Corporate Event – Tate Britain
One of our most wonderful corporate clients is simply marvellous at creating a theme for a party. We get a simple strap line and the rest is up to us. For this party, the main dinner at Tate Britain was entitled “Pre-Raphaelite Chic” and was held in the Pre-Raphaelite gallery. The theme for the tables was taken from one masterpiece in particular – Ophelia by Millais.
The story of Ophelia was that, heart broken, she drowned in a brook, the banks of which featured many pretty flowers, and she herself was holding a pretty posy. We took the flowery elements in the image, and used this as inspiration. The banks of the brook also featured weeping willow.
Guests arrived at the museum, and passed into the Pre-Raphaelite gallery under a cascade of weeping willow, the two giant pillars at the entrance made to look like mossy trees.
On the tables in the dining room we created moss covered candelabra featuring the stream side flowers, and tall willow tree inspired decorations underplanted with very beautiful plants and flowers.
The whole set up had to be completed in a snapshot of time from the museum closing to the public, to the evening guests arriving. A cast of many made this possible.
The dreaminess of the room looked as enchanting as any Pre-Raphaelite painting, and remains one of my favourite corporate events to date. We love to bring real authenticity to a theme and drill into the detail.